Saturday, April 27, 2013


My friend Claire is graduating from pharmacy school on May 11th. I received one of the casual invitations that she sent out to all of her friends and loved ones, but I'm sure I was placed on the mental lives-too-far-away-and-won't-come list. Usually I'd agree with this assessment because I have Johnny to take care of and I don't know that a 10 hour drive with him is worth it for one day of visiting (with a million other people present, making it hard to get real "quality time" with my friends) and another day driving home. He is after all only just 4. I can only imagine how insane 2 whole days in the car would be with the little dude. However, I still wanted to go. I wanted to surprise her!

I checked plane tickets nearby, finding that one out of Harrisburg would be by far the cheapest. An hour and a half drive to cut a ticket price into 1/3 sure makes sense to me. Still I was faced with the fact that buying 2 tickets for me and Johnny would cost a little more than I wanted to spend, and I would still be stuck in a "new" city with myself as the only stability the child would have. Once in a while you can change his schedule, location, or general person-to-Johnny interaction, but never all at the same time and never too close together. Flying solo with him (well, the flight it's self isn't the worry-- the subsequent time in Charlotte without additional hands to help is really the issue) just doesn't sound smart at the moment with the way he has been reacting to anything that sets him off lately.

Enter the supportive family that surrounds us. I was lucky enough that Steve has off two of the four days I want to be gone (Friday through Monday -- although I won't leave until late night on Friday!) and his mom and sister as well as my grandmother are willing to trade off time with Johnny during Steve's work shifts the other two days.

It wasn't until a few days after I booked the plane ticket that I realized that the Sunday I will be gone is Mother's Day. It will be the first time I am not with my son for the day when the world recognizes the dedication that mothers have to their children. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I mean, it isn't like it is really a day any different from the rest. And of all things, I'm kind of getting the ultimate gift that a mom can get -- a break. My friend Becca said to me, "Get some rest, relax, and have a few momgaritas!"

And I'll try.

Something makes me think that I'll be dying for some Johnny time before the weekend is up. I finally get the mom vacation I've been dying for, and it turns out that I'll miss out on one of the days specifically set aside for me to spend with my son.

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