As usual, I had a little bit too much fun putting together Johnny's birthday party. Mario & Luigi party items aren't really sold anymore, so I made everything by hand. In the end, I believe the Birthday Boy really enjoyed himself, and I am thrilled at how everything turned out. The day even went better than last year's party, with only one minor setback in terms of Johnny's behavior. Honestly, it wasn't even an issue that he would have known how to handle prior to it coming up... no kid knows what to do when they open a present they don't want until it happens and they are then instructed on the proper way to react publicly.
Kids --all kids-- sometimes get presents that they aren't to thrilled about. My whole family will never forget the Christmas that my cousin was around 5 or 6 years old and he got hangers as a gift. Granted, it was an odd present, but all of us got some... Ethan, however, began to whine and cry. "But I don't WANT hangers for Christmas!!!" Every kid has a moment like that in their life, and apparently this year Johnny was going to experience that on his birthday. Thank goodness that the gift was from his GG, who is totally understanding and wasn't the least bit phased when Johnny cried out, "I don't want THIS! NO THANK YOU GG!" and folded his arms with a scowl of protest. Funnily enough, it was actually something he had asked me for countless times, (and didn't ever get) and I hadn't even told GG that he wanted it. However, when the kid is yelling and being rude about a present someone has given him, it becomes time to teach a life lesson.
You are allowed to not like a present.
You are not allowed to whine and complain about it to that person.
"No thank you" is the right way to handle food you don't like, (after trying some) but isn't okay for presents.
You say "thank you" and keep your thoughts to yourself for the moment. That person picked out a present just for you, and your words might hurt their feelings.
Smile, be polite, and then you can tell mommy or daddy that you didn't want that present later.
Make sure that when you tell mommy or daddy, you're alone with them.
He did begrudgingly go over and give GG a hug, still with a scowl, and then worry about "hiding" the present from his view. But really, an unwanted gift for a child is something that you don't really think to prep them for ahead of time... it is one of those circumstances that is handled when it arises.
Anyway, check out the awesome party I threw, because I'm super excited about it:
Next year: bouncy house!
Kids --all kids-- sometimes get presents that they aren't to thrilled about. My whole family will never forget the Christmas that my cousin was around 5 or 6 years old and he got hangers as a gift. Granted, it was an odd present, but all of us got some... Ethan, however, began to whine and cry. "But I don't WANT hangers for Christmas!!!" Every kid has a moment like that in their life, and apparently this year Johnny was going to experience that on his birthday. Thank goodness that the gift was from his GG, who is totally understanding and wasn't the least bit phased when Johnny cried out, "I don't want THIS! NO THANK YOU GG!" and folded his arms with a scowl of protest. Funnily enough, it was actually something he had asked me for countless times, (and didn't ever get) and I hadn't even told GG that he wanted it. However, when the kid is yelling and being rude about a present someone has given him, it becomes time to teach a life lesson.
You are allowed to not like a present.
You are not allowed to whine and complain about it to that person.
"No thank you" is the right way to handle food you don't like, (after trying some) but isn't okay for presents.
You say "thank you" and keep your thoughts to yourself for the moment. That person picked out a present just for you, and your words might hurt their feelings.
Smile, be polite, and then you can tell mommy or daddy that you didn't want that present later.
Make sure that when you tell mommy or daddy, you're alone with them.
He did begrudgingly go over and give GG a hug, still with a scowl, and then worry about "hiding" the present from his view. But really, an unwanted gift for a child is something that you don't really think to prep them for ahead of time... it is one of those circumstances that is handled when it arises.
Anyway, check out the awesome party I threw, because I'm super excited about it:
Cloud Jell-O Parfait
1-up Mushroom Cupcakes
Food Table
"Adult" Table
Kid's Table
The Birthday Boy
Friend, Jadyn
Grandpa "Without the Mustache" (found one!) and Miss Deb
Present Time!
Johnny's New iPad
Like I said, I had quite a bit of fun putting it all together. It took a bit of creativity and a whole lot of time, but I think it turned out well. I enjoyed making everything, and I am happy that Little Man had a good time.
Next year: bouncy house!
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