Tuesday, September 30, 2014

slow to adjust

I was hoping that by the end of September, Johnny and I would both have settled into our new routine. Maybe John would be used to the hours of school and have stopped the constant meltdowns that begin the moment he gets home and don't end until he is fast asleep? Maybe I would feel like I had my feet under me with the new job, and would not still feel overwhelmed constantly? Well... yeah... no. The kiddo is still having a hard time with the transition from school to home in the afternoon, and while I am feeling a little more like I know what I am supposed to be doing at work, (in part because I have taken a job as a long-term sub, covering for the same person for several weeks) I don't feel like I ever have a moment of sanity. My house is a wreck because the last thing I ever feel like doing is cleaning, and between dealing with the little guy's tantrums and suffering from some of the worst insomnia I've had in a long time, I'm nothing short of exhausted. And unable to sleep.

Another very obvious consequence of this new schedule and increased amount of stuff going on has been my lack of time/motivation to write. As you can see, my blog has gone from regular updates to a short little snippet if I happen to have the time one random day of the month. My writing writing, (like, working on the book) has gone to nil. I feel both guilty and justified in this. I want to be doing more writing, I feel like I need to be doing more, but at the same time, it isn't like I don't have a perfectly good reason for slacking off lately. I'm busier than I've been in a long time!

While all of life may have sped up, Johnny seems to be racing time to grow even faster than I could imagine. From the random things he says that astound me to the endless wealth of knowledge that he has to share with the world, Little Man never ceases to amaze. He is a goof, and I love him. I only wish that we both were having an easier time of it with this whole transition into the school year. For now, I'll hold onto the moments we share together, being silly and having fun!

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