Friday, June 27, 2014

a peaceful summer

You can tell we're into the full swing of summer when I'm having a hard time remembering to write. However, this week started Johnny's camp that will see him through until school starts, so I am beginning to find myself with a little more free time on my hands. In addition to his camp, I've decided to take a few weeks off of school, so even the kid-less time that I usually use for homework has been freed up. So far I've made spectacular use of it all and caught a few naps here and there. 

We've had a few great moments and a few bumps along the way over the past few weeks, but overall I think the little guy is doing pretty well. The difference between last summer and this summer is like night and day. Where last year I couldn't take him out of the house without an additional set of hands, I've not only taken him on that trip to Maryland, but generally found a way to get him out of the house every day that he is with me. Parks, shopping, play dates, church... we've kept busy. The biggest downside to everything is that after almost a year with her, we will be losing his TSS Ashleigh. I couldn't have a higher respect for that girl, and she has been an amazing addition to our lives. She has been super helpful and sweet as can be, helping us through some tough times. Next week is his last session with her. After saying goodbye to Autumn, it feels a little hard to turn around and have Ashleigh leave as well. (Although to be fair, I saw Autumn yesterday and she plans on hanging out with us again soon!) 

In the world of accomplishments, Johnny has made some other big steps. Where the past few years have seen him too afraid to get on his Pappy Chris' tractor, Johnny has decided that this year the noise and height are worth it. He held his hands over his ears for the first 10 minutes or so, but settled into it and decided that he never wanted to get down. He now wants me to take him over every weekend so that he can help Chris mow the grass. Johnny also has been more open to some new foods as of late, and not only did I convince him to try venison the other day, he downed it! We drove home from Grammy's with some more for me to cook up. He also ate a ton of ham the other day, and for those who know the kiddo, getting him to eat meat of any kind has always been a huge challenge, so I'm impressed and thrilled! He even ate the chicken alfredo I made for dinner a few nights ago, which I've never seen him so much as touch before. 

June has kicked off our summer well, and I'm glad that Johnny is enjoying life again. I was seriously worried for a while there, but it seems like he is adjusting to his new life and is maybe even starting to thrive again. He did talk to me this morning about the fact that he wishes his daddy and I were still married, but he was completely relaxed during our conversation and I simply explained that sometimes adults don't stay married and that his daddy and I will always love him just as much as we did before, and his daddy and I are friends. It isn't as though he hasn't heard this all from me a million times over the past few months, but I felt like this morning he really was listening to me when I said it. He gave me a big hug, then looked me in the eyes and said, "You're happy now, mom. I like it when you are happy. It's all okay, because you're always my family and I'll never not be your son." 

He's going to be just fine. This is what was best for all of us, including him.

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