Tuesday, June 11, 2013

just kidding

So I took Johnny in for his intake with the Stepping Stones people to figure out our goal for him and set a schedule. Except, oh wait -- we forgot to tell you, you can't actually have a kid who isn't potty trained in our program. State regulations and all that. Are you kidding me?

Back to square one. We have a diagnosis, but the school is still fighting tooth-and-nail the idea of giving him an IEP, I have no place to take him for the summer and his interaction with other kids (the whole point of it) will go back down to almost nil. Sure, I can take him to the library or the park and what not, but do you know how hard it is for me to take him on any form of outing without at least 2 dramatic meltdowns? I'm not only mentally exhausted, I'm physically exhausted. I don't even know how to handle my own kid at this point. One meeting for him once a week with an adult isn't going to fix my problem. "Early intervention; make sure you help your child as soon as possible. Get at least 20-30 hours a week of help." Yeah, but how? They stress it all the time, but refuse to give me more than 1 hour!!! With an adult only! And play dates aren't consistent no matter how hard I try to set any up. Heck, other kids don't want to get together with him very often. Add in the 2 weeks of constant rain we've had and I can't even go outside with him.

They want me to go down to Danville and have his brain neurologically mapped. I don't know how I feel about this. First of all, how intrusive is that? My kid won't sit still for anyone, and I don't want him scared to death. Second of all, how is it going to help? I mean, yeah, sure, we might be able to pinpoint his diagnosis a little more, but of what use is that when no one wants to give him help anyway?! And can I please, for the love of Pete, have a copy of all of these documents they keep filling out? I don't even have something in my hands that is tangible to prove that he has been diagnosed with asthma let alone PDD and Behavioral Disruptive Disorder. Just... give me a break here, people!

So I'll be making another list of calls today: Base Service Unit, Penn State's Psych Clinic, Danville, (to ask questions, not necessarily schedule anything) Cen Clear, his teacher Miss Autumn, and of course there is the meeting with his therapist Dave in about an hour.

I'm tired. I feel like giving up at this point and waiting until he reaches the school district where I know I can get some help. But in the meantime, I still have a problem... it isn't like it is all going to go away. It isn't even going to improve without help.

Did I mention that I'm tired?

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